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Andy Arts supports artists in all stages of development by offering:
quality spaces, a/v equipment, publicity support, sliding scale fees for rental uses

We also support a limited amount performances, workshops, festivals, residencies and exhibitions by donating space, subsidizing space, publicity, and production assistance with elements such as light, sound, and ticketing.

Do you have an idea?

Please leave your request to discuss the details. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Thanks for submitting!

Each idea/proposal is reviewed and will receive a response.  We currently have three artist support programs:

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Co-Produced Projects,

receive space, time, and publicity. Revenue sharing options will be discussed upon acceptance.

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Supported Projects,

receive space, time, publicity, and as part of a subsidized rental agreement.  Details will be discussed upon acceptance.

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Artist Residencies:

low cost residencies in theatre or studio for research or creation of artistic works, with optional showings.  One week to one month. 

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In the instance

that Andy Arts is not able to co-produce or support your project or residency, space rentals are available. Artists may independently produce their project and keep all proceeds.

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